Affiliations & Certifications
NES – National Evaluation Service
Craft-Bilt has received confirmation from the National Evaluation Service that its PanelCraft® structural roof panel complies with 2000 ICC codes as well as BOCA National, ICBO Uniform and SBCCI Standard codes. ICC-ES came into being on February 1, 2003, when America’s four building-product evaluation services officially combined their operations. The four “legacy” evaluation services that came together to form ICC-ES were the National Evaluation Service, Inc.; BOCAI Evaluation Services; ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc.; and SBCCI Public Service Testing and Evaluation Services, Inc. Through the legacy evaluation services, ICC-ES has a history that goes back more than seventy years.
UES – Uniform Evaluation Services
Uniform Evaluation Services (UES) has been a leader in codes and standards development since 1926. It was built upon an 88 year old foundation of experience, expertise, and quality.
PAMA – Professional Awning Manufacturer’s Association
- Promote, educate, and implement programs to advance the fabric awning industry.
- Identify issues of common concern to the awning industry and take a pro-active role in implementing and seeking solutions for those concerns.
- Raise general awareness of awnings as an image-enhancing, energy saving, and attractive addition to a residential or commercial structure.
- Provide a central resource for the dissemination of information relating to the techniques, materials, standards, regulations, markets, and tax information in the awning industry
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